I have noticed a pattern on this blog – I tend to make things in lists of 5. I don’t really know why I do it – lists of 4 don’t seem long enough, and anything over 5 can feel a little overwhelming. So, for now, I go with 5.
I have also noticed a pattern in my life – whenever I write a goal down, whether it be on paper or on a comptuer, it is more likely to happen in real life by about 85%. Don’t ask me about all the hard research I did to come up with that percentage, just trust that it is accurate.
I have always been a believer that once you decide you really want something, you need to say it out loud and write it down. Since I am shooting to make the following 5 trips and experiences happen within the next 5 years, here I am, putting it down in writing, making my intentions known. Make it happen, universe!
1. The Galapagos
Okay, this one is a little bit of a cheat because as of last week, we officially booked a two week trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos! I had to add it to the list anyway, because it has been my #1 answer to the question ‘If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?’ for quite a few years.
I have drooled over pictures of the islands and wildlife, and poured through endless blog posts about other people’s experiences in this magical place. I always wondered if I would ever have the funds to actually get out and see it for myself. After deciding to register for our dream trip to the Galapagos instead of a traditional registry of household items for our wedding last year, we knew we were going to have the opportunity to make this a reality.
The countdown is offically on (we leave April 3rd!) for the first stop on my 5 year bucket list.
2. Kayaking with Orca Whales in San Juan
Kayaking with Orca Whales in San Juan is quickly positioning itself to move into the Galapagos’s coveted #1 spot on my list.
Orca whales have been my favorite animal since I was tiny, only to be reinforced even more severely at age 7, when Free Willy was released in theaters and changed all of our lives.
Orca whales are intellegent, social and observant animals. As a huge whale (and animal) lover with a serious penchant for animal rights, I love the idea of being able to learn about my favorite animal and observe them in an unobtrusive way while in their natural habitat, as opposed to viewing them while enlsaved and held captive for our entertainment.
The beautiful scenery of the San Juan islands wont hurt, either.
3. The Serengeti – The Great Migration (Kenya & Tanzinia)
The Great Migration happens in East Africa between January – July, where thousands of animals move across the Serengeti, from Tanzania to Kenya.
I went to a few different countires in South Africa back in 2008, and it has had a grip on me ever since. Whenever I smell burning firewood, or see a particularly beautiful starry night, I am filled with pangs for Africa.
It’s one of those places I often dream about returning to (so much that I had to put it on my list), and taking care of all the unfinished travel business that I left behind.
4. Island Hopping and Scuba Diving through South East Asia
After becoming scuba certified, I am really craving travel that centers completely around diving, and underwater exploration. I also love island travel, and my dream is a trip where I can combine the two.
Southeast Asia tops my list for this experience for a few reasons. I spent several months living and working in Thailand back in 2009-2010, and absolutely loved the country, but I never. made. it. to. the. southern. islands.
I could cry just writing that, because I still can’t believe that I spent so much time in Thailand without visiting the southern islands. In a (small) way, I am glad that I left this part of Thailand unexplored as an excuse for myself to return at a later date with my husband and a scuba certificate in tow.
I keep saying Thailand – but I also picture the Philippeans, Vietnam, Indonesia, and (okay it doesn’t count as SEA) Australia as locations that would help satisfy this itch.
5. European Roadtrip: The Balkans
When I tell people that I want to make a trip to the Balkans, nobody has a clue what the Balkans are. Until I decided they were a place I wanted to see, I had never heard of them either.
My interest started with having an inexplicable pull to visit Croatia and Slovenia. Once I started looking into those countries, my wanderlust expanded into a new obsession with the Balkans as a whole.
The fascinating history, rich culinary options (hello wine regions!), beautiful fairy-tale type landscapes, and relatively under travelled side of Europe has won me over and nestled itself into my bucket list.
I fully expect to be adding destinations to this list over the years, but for now, these are my top 5 dream trips that are currently occupying the most space in my brain.
What a great formula!
Write that wish list down, say it outloud with anticipation!
I am inspired and appreciate the reminder to give my bucket list a little added attention!
Thats a great idea! I am constantly finding old journal entries filled with goals that I have since accomplished, and I often forget I ever wrote them down! Ever since that started happening, I have been a firm believer in the process of putting your dreams on paper. Maybe we can have a goal writing session some time!
So happy I get to be there to accomplish your first goal with you… and hopefully more!
I’ll gladly cross any of these off with you!! Feel free to bring me anytime!